Extended Shortcode - echarts

The echarts
shortcode supports data visualization in Hugo with ECharts library.
ECharts is a library helping you to generate interactive data visualization.
The basic chart types ECharts supports include line series, bar series, scatter series, pie charts, candle-stick series, [boxplot series][boxplot] for statistics, map series, heatmap series, lines series for directional information, graph series for relationships, treemap series, sunburst series, parallel series for multi-dimensional data, funnel series, gauge series. And it’s extremely easy to create a combinition of them with ECharts.
Just insert your ECharts option in JSON
format in the echarts
shortcode and that’s it.
Example echarts
input in JSON
The same in YAML
The same in TOML
The rendered output looks like this:
The echarts
shortcode has also the following named parameters: